Wednesday, January 16, 2013

cute as a button

Caiti has been on crafting kick lately.  The #1 thing she's been making that we're both obsessed with is button earrings.  They're SO CUTE!  She either makes buttons (usually with vintage, or vintage inspired fabric) or buys cute ones and attaches backs to them to make them into earrings. 

Here are some of the ones we have up in the shop.  Adorable, right?

I have a pair of these for myself... you can see them in our last outfit post!

Little flapper girls!

more flapper ladies!

and vintage fabric!

I also really love the old book pages as backers... I'm a sucker for old books.  

Keep an eye out as we add more to the shop.  She's probably at home crankin' some out as we speak...

Jess & Caiti


  1. The little flapper girl buttons are so cute.

  2. Aw these are too cute, especially the vintage floral fabric!
