Monday, July 1, 2013

Blogger Blurb: Amy from Wildfell Hall Vintage

Welcome to part deux of our blogger feature!  We've been picking the brains of bloggers we adore and asking them all sorts of silly questions. We started last month with Michelle from Vintage Junky (see that interview here).  Right now we've got some Q&As with the absolutely lovely Amy from Wildfell Hall Vintage.  

Were you always into vintage or was there a particular time when it started?
Loved vintage since I was about 14, I went to a girls school and got in with the "alternative-loud-mouth-crowd", we bought vintage fabric and made our own shorts and skirts, wore doc martens with the laces undone, shaved half our hair off (during lunchtime as you do) and wore biker jackets to the school prom (or "school ball" as we say in New Zealand), we would go into the city and layaway vintage dresses, god I wish I had kept them!

Do you have a favorite costume designer, or movie (with amazing costuming)?
Hard to narrow down a fave movie for costumes, I am obsessed with period dramas and never miss one.  Downton of course is a recent favorite but there are so many. One of my fave all time shows is House of Elliot, a BBC show about 2 sisters in the 20s who start their own fashion line. (editor's note: TOTALLY going to be watching House of Elliot now)

What is your favorite go to accessory?
Go to accessory....tan leather bags and shoes from the 70s. Pretty much never buy any other color!

What's your favorite DIY project that you've done yourself or aspire to? 
DIY? you must be joking. I never make anything....If I was a Victorian lady I would do collage though! those ladies really knew how to put pictures together...

In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?
In a zombie apocalypse I'd jump into the first zombie's arms that I saw. why fight it? join it.

What is your most prized vintage possession and how did you acquire it?
prized possession....not sure really. Probably a 20s kimono with an Egyptian scene on it I recently bought. I collect Egyptian vintage pieces and this was a real stunner!

Are there any blogs you'd like to recommend?
I used to read plenty of blogs but to be honest being a new Mum leaves me zero time for such pleasures! I can't even update my own anymore!

eep, look at little Wolfie!  I'm not usually swoony for babies, but man, he is a cute one.

So today we've learned that Amy is an old school bad ass with fabulous taste, who wouldn't even trifle with a zombie.  If you love her as much as we do, feel free to check out her blog (where she just recently wrote a great piece about being exasperated about how our culture deals with size.. something we could ramble about a lot), Wildfell Hall Vintage on Etsy, AND The Slipperie, her vintage lingerie shop.  Phew!  What a busy, busy lady!

Until next time...
-Jess & Caiti


  1. Very interesting interview and summation at the end! Love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, everything looks so beautiful! Loved it!
