Monday, June 3, 2013

Blogger Blurb: Michelle from Vintage Junky

Good morning, lovelies!  We're introducing a new feature on the ole blog called Blogger Blurbs.  We're picking some of our favorite bloggers and picking their brains with a bunch of random questions so we can all get to know each other a bit better.  Sounds like a rollicking good internet time, doesn't it?  

We're starting off the series today with Michelle, the lovely lady in charge of the Vintage Junky blog.  We love reading her blog to take a peek into her life... she has a great eye for vintage, and a talent for making things look amazing.  She makes me want to go repaint some furniture for my house... and also to learn how to embroider/be handy with a needle & thread, because she does some amazing projects!

So without further ado... here are the Qs & As with Michelle...

Were you always into vintage or was there a particular time when it started?
I think I have always liked things that were a little older or different.  My grandmother didn't have any "precious" antiques, But the things she had I was always drawn to.  Like those giant spoons and forks that used to be in every kitchen.  I actually have her set on my wall painted black.  Things made in the past were made with so much more thought and style.  And, I feel that they were made with better quality too.

Do you have a favorite costume designer, or movie (with amazing costuming)?
I think that Pride and Prejudice has incredible costuming and set design.  As for individual costumes, I can't get the green dress from Atonement out of my head (editor's note: I 1000% agree. We were just talking about this the other day!).  Or the black dress from Titanic.  I haven't seen the remake of Great Gatsby yet, but I imagine that I will love it as I love 20s design.  As for set design, I adore the Royal Tenenbaums.  

What is your favorite go to accessory?
I have some sparkly star bobby pins from Giant Dwarf and some vintage handpainted bobby pins that always make me feel pretty snazzy.

What is your most beloved curse word?
I have a 4 year old that literally repeats everything... at the perfect time too.  So, I try to keep it a little clean with "son of a nutcracker." The dirtier version of that is probably my go to when I break something or stub my toe.

What's your favorite DIY project that you've done yourself or aspire to?
I recently finished this deconstructed sampler:

 I also began knitting this year, so I aspire to knit a sweater.  Right now, I am just having fun with scarfs.  And maybe a quilt in the future.  I like having a project.

In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?  
I don't know a lot about zombies, but I think a phoenix feather core wand and a good, healthy knowledge of Defense Against the Dark Arts would serve me well.

What is your most prized vintage possession and how did you acquire it?
Hmmmm..... this question is always so hard.  It is like the "what would you rescue from a burning house?" question.  So, it would have to be photos.  Most all of my stuff is vintage and would be so hard to replace.  I have an antique Swedish Mora clock that my husband bought me when I quit my "real" job.  But, I also have a mixing bowl of my grandmothers too that she gave me before she passed away.  If the house is burning and I have the photos backed up in a safe place online and my family is out, I am grabbing my little boy's stuffed dog though.  It is his favorite.  Seriously, I know it isn't about possessions, but I do love my vintage stuff. So, this is hard to really just pick one thing.  

from her Etsy shop... don't you love how she has the measurements right in the photo? adorable and smart!

Are there any blogs you'd like to recommend?
I love Purl BeeOh Happy DayA Beautiful Mess.... those are just off the top of my head.  I get a lot of inspiration from those.  But, I am sure that isn't all.


Isn't she fun?  Thanks for answering our questions, Michelle!  Be sure to check out her blog, and also visit her Etsy shop... she has lots of great vintage & vintage inspired pieces.  I hope you're all inspired to have a fun, vintage-filled day now! :)

Until next time,
Jess & Caiti

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