Saturday, May 18, 2013

weekly wantsies!

It's been a while since we did a Weekly Wantsies post! As it turns out, owning a shop takes up a lot of time... who woulda thought?  So while most of our brain time is spent on things like pricing, inventory, and mostly how to balance everything without going crazy, we do have a bit of time to salivate over some goodies on the internet.  Here's what we're into this week:

Jess's Picks:

1.  I'm pretty in love with this dress.  I love the unusual color combination... I could definitely see myself wearing this all summer.  To the point where people would wonder if I had any other clothing.  
2.  THESE SUNGLASSES! Holy mamajamma!  Turquoise glitter cat eye sunglasses.  And they're legit vintage.  I mean, COME ON! I would never take these off. Even at night.  I'd be that person.
3.  I'm love the colors of these earrings!  And I happen to love Kate, the lady who runs Mad Meadow... so that doesn't hurt either.
4.  Green Wedges! swoon.
5.  I love these leggings!  I feel like wearing them would fulfill my desire to hang out in the woods all day during the summer. When you grow up in the country, it seems like you can never get rid of the urge to just hang out with trees.  Unless that's just me.  I'm fine with being the lonely weirdo who loves trees, whatever.

Caiti's Picks:

1.Mint (Yes!), Polka Dot (Yes!), Slight stretchiness (Yes!). These jeans are perfect in my opinion.
2.The Arctic Monkeys....always THE ARCTIC MONKEYS, to put out their 2013 album already.
3. It's a sloth necklace. They are pretty adorable creatures and this is a pretty adorable tribute.
4. I like a good drink, I'd like it better out of a rad glass.
5.Wedges are always a cute idea and I'm a sucker for anything nautical.

So what has you drooling?

Caiti & Jess

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for featuring my cat eyes! I'm still on the fence of whether I'm keeping them or not! :D
