Monday, February 25, 2013

weekly wantsies

Our internet browsing got derailed a bit by big exciting plans (official news soon!), and we missed last week's Weekly Wantsies post, but fear not... we've got some new fun things for you to ogle over with us!

Here's what Jess has fallen in love with this week...

1. Every fabric ever on Spoonflower. But specifically, this fabric, which is adorned in fine leather bound books. I bet it smells like mahogany.  Also, it's titled "Monsieur Fancypantaloon's Instant Library" - how could you EVER resist something so delightful?

2.  This tote from Wunderkammer Culture. I can't resist a deer, or a canvas tote, so it's a win/win.

3.  Green. Scalloped. Flats.  HELLO, SPRING!  Also, why have I never looked at Lulu's until now? Why didn't someone tell me it's fabulous? So many good shoes!

4.  An octopus tea cup! I've been meaning to start drinking more tea, and this would obviously make a fantastical companion to my tea drinking endeavors.

What Caiti is coveting this week...

1. I bought this jersey knit gold mini skirt with black polka dots and pretty much everything revolves around wearing that thing. These boots would look amazing with it. 

2. I've been feeling nesty lately. This print belongs in my bathroom I think.

3. I'm a crazy cat lady, what can I say.

4. These probably wouldn't go with my polka dot skirt but they fulfil my Peter Pan fetish.

Jess & Caiti

1 comment:

  1. I love the octopus teacup (I saw one once with a tiny frog at the bottom that was nearly as cute) and Bill Murray is always a superb print subject. Good finds, ladies!
