Thursday, February 7, 2013

Coat Sale!

There's a HUGE storm heading our way in Maine.  We're supposed to be getting well over a foot of snow.  Some reports are seriously saying over TWO FEET, which is just ridiculous.  Despite that, we've got Spring on the brains.  We're dreaming of warm weather, flip flops, and yard sales... sweet, sweet yard sales.  So we're doing a blowout coat sale on Etsy! Since it's still quite chilly out, you can totally benefit from our spring fever and get cozied up for not a lot of cash! 

Check out the Sale Section here

and here are some of the lovelies up for grabs:


What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?
 Hope you've got something (or someone) to bundle up with!

Stay Cozy,
Jess & Caiti

1 comment:

  1. That vintage tan wool coat is beautiful! Good luck surviving all the snow, we're supposed to get a foot here too!
