oh hey there, blog. long time no talk! Dreadfully sorry for the lack of communication over the last couple months! We just realized the other day that it had been over two months since our last update! September flew by in a rush of events, and October has apparently slipped right through our fingers as well. So. Let's catch up, shall we?
September was mostly about Brimfield. I mean, half the summer was really about getting ready for Brimfield, but September is when things really got cray. We were vendors there for the first time ever, having only actually been there once to shop the year before, so we were obviously nervous and didn't have any idea what to expect, and simultaneously super, insanely incredibly pumped.
Clockwise from top left: Me, looking real tough in my Dad's truck that we borrowed, Caiti with Oscar (the tent puppy!), and us in the truck on the drive down to Brimfield... being ridiculous.

Pictures of our booth!
It was incredible. It was a lot of early mornings, long days, and early bed times (seriously, we were both in our tents by like 8:00 each night. we'd read and then be asleep by 9 at the LATEST), and so so so much fun! We were obviously very silly the entire trip, as illustrated by the photos above... long days and stress make us into giggly goofballs. We met so many amazing people, did some great shopping, and can not WAIT to be back next year! We've already signed up for a double spot in the same tent for May... come visit us in the Donnaland tent in about 7 months, will ya? :)
THEN... after a short recovery period, we went to The Vintage Bazaar, in Salisbury, MA. If you've never been, it's a great fair full of vintage, antiques, shabby chic, and all sorts of fun things. It takes place on a farm in Salisbury, and they have beautiful gardens, a pond, and a few animals to gander at (I said hi to the pig every morning we drove in).
Clockwise from top left: big ole typewriter in our booth, signage & numbers, an amazing sandwich we had on Sunday (yeahhhh it's chicken fingers and mac and cheese in a sandwich. caiti's had buffalo sauce. i happily exclaimed "THIS IS LIKE FOOD I'D MAKE MYSELF WHEN DRUNK!!" while eating it), Caiti gets stuck in a sweater while wearing her Cats shirt.
We were really happy with how our booth turned out... and we set it up in record time! We're starting to get good at this whole setup/breakdown process. The Bazaar was a Saturday & Sunday event, and while Saturday went fabulously, we were REALLY concerned about the weather Sunday morning. There was practically a 100% chance of bad weather. So we took our time, went to the Italian bakery down the street from the house we were staying at, and really just didn't expect the day to be anything but a flop. But... the weather turned out amazing! It was great to be so pleasantly surprised. Overall, it was awesome. We sold a fair amount of stuff, chatted with lots of fun, enthusiastic people (some of whom apparently actually read our blog! hello, if you're reading this now!)... it was just a great weekend :)
And for the verrrry end of September, we did the Artisan Market at Doc's Marketplace in Cumberland. It was an adorable market at a cafe... best lunch I ever had at a show! It was even brought to me on a REAL PLATE! people who do shows understand what a luxury that is. There were a bunch of great handmade things, and we were really the only vintage there.. which I was sort of nervous about, but it ended up going really well! Everyone there was great, and I got to check out lots of handmade pieces from places I'm glad to have discovered!
And then October...
Most of October was just things around the shop & the flea, and taking Halloween pictures with the shop cats. Oh, which... by the way - we have shop cats now! I don't think I ever updated ze blog about that. Our neighbor at the shop found a couple little kittens in the woods near his house and rescued them... and now they live in between our two shops! They're very cute, very happy, and very distracting - it's hard to get a lot done with a big, fat purring kitten on your lap. This is obvious by some of the photos where we dressed them up for Halloween:
The cats look miserable in the photos, but believe it or not they were purring the whole time. If you want to see more of our ridiculousness, you can see more photos of this nonsense on our Facebook. There's technically a few days left before Halloween, so I'm guessing we'll do a few more...
Aaaaand that basically catches us up! Now we'll be back to our regular bloggity-blog schedule! We have some neat DIY posts scheduled, and things like that. So.. let's stay in touch, shall we Internet?
Jess & Caiti