Wednesday, February 29, 2012

auction action!

Caiti and I have a new addiction.  Auctions.

Holy crap, you guys.

The fixation on auctions started a few weeks ago.  We asked one of our friends/mentors at the flea market where he goes picking.  He responded with "What are you doing tomorrow?".  Next thing we knew, we were up at the crack of 8am, following some vague directions northward to a livestock auction.  But we weren't there for the cows (even though they were ADORABLE)

(and this is apparently the only viable picture I took that day... my excitement got in the way of my photojournalism)

We went in with little idea of what we were doing, but got the hang of it pretty quickly.  I clutched onto our number and did the bidding, and Caiti did the running back and forth to the car.  We worked out a system of code words, eyebrow movements and secret signs to show each other interest and to communicate what our bidding ceiling was. We scored some amazing things... vintage chairs (4 of them, eep), a desk, a hat box, and lots and lots of other stuff.  Not to mention, a serious adrenaline high.  Winning a bidding war in real life, not just eBay-style, is INSANELY thrilling!

So, needless to say... we needed another fix.  We went to another auction just last night, hoping for some more goodies.

I actually remembered to take a picture of the auction hall this time

It wasn't nearly as exciting as the first auction, I'll admit.  Prices were a bit higher... or we've just gotten cheaper?  At the first auction we went to they were selling TABLES of stuff for $2... but at this auction things were going for hundreds.  And none of the auctioneers even did bidding below $5, it seemed.  But check out some of the treasures we found!

a couple rad blue G.E. fans, and a couple wooden crates

a hat box from Peck's in Lewiston, Maine (love finding local things) along with quite a few vintage hats

an old railroad lantern

three old tin lunchboxes (one still had a thermos!)

a tin picnic basket

and last but not least.... this bad mamajamma of a statue:

 there was a huge lot of golden/bronzed statues and figurines... everyone bid on all of them, and this was the last one in the lot.  the auctioneer described it as "two people sort of goin' at it on a hand" and the room burst into giggles.  I'm pretty sure I actually heard some old ladies blush.  They started the bidding at $15.  It quickly went down to a starting bid of $5... still nothing.  When the auctioneer called $5 again, I couldn't resist.  I raised my number and said "oh yeah".  and I won.

there was an old man behind me who actually patted me on the back when I won.  And when I was in line to pay up at the end, there was an adorable old lady who said "you'll have to hide that statue in your bedroom!". I told her I intended to display it proudly.  (truthfully, I think we're going to sell it at the flea market in Brunswick, so if you want it... it'll be there this weekend...)

all in all: a roaring success, I'd say!  Even for the statue alone :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

so, who's Lucille?

I'm pretty sure everyone we know has asked us who Lucille is.  We wouldn't name our shop Lucille's if there wasn't one specific Lucille who we were looking to pay homage to, right?  Instead of answering you directly (because what fun would that be?), I offer you a list of possibilities.

Perhaps our inspiration was the lovely Lucille Ball?

OR B.B. King's legendary guitar Lucille?

OR LUCILLE BLUTH? i mean, who isn't inspired by her?

or, even better... Lucille 2!

OR maybe we decided to name our business after Kate's cat?

OR, maybe we just put a bunch of ideas for a business name in a hat and pulled out Lucille's and kind of fell in love with it?  What do YOU think?  We'll never tell (unless you bribe us with alcohol and chips, then we'll talk)